Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama's Humor and Grace Blunts McCain's Attacks

John McCain, John Kerry and Al Gore encountered the same problem when facing a mediocre candidate for the presidency, a well oiled negative attack machine led by the evil political genius Karl Rove. The genius of Rove's strategy was avoid the issues since we will lose with Bush Jr us our candidate but focus on assassinating the character of the opponent. Sen McCain had fallen victim to Rove's whisper campaign that McCain had a black child (The McCains have an adopted daughter from Bangladesh.) Furthermore, Bush camp strove to delicately discredit McCain's Vietnam service, despite his well documented capture and torture by the enemy.

Next, Rove pulled the elitist card on both Gore and Kerry in the 2000 and 2004 elections. They also consistently used the fear card to portray "Dubya", and by extension the Republicans, as the only one who could fight terror following the September 11th attacks. And who can forget the Swiftboat attacks against Kerry, the word became part of the political lexicon of how to perfect a smear campaign. Once again, like McCain before him, Kerry soon found himself defending his well documented service in Vietnam. Rove had perfected the art of character assassination.

Ironically, McCain was so embittered by Rove's successful tactics that he is alleged to have hired dear old Karl for the upcoming elections. Sample Exhibit A.

Even after promising to run a respectful campaign, it is hard to see how this advert reflects on Sen. McCain's respect for his colleague. When confronted on this ad in a Town Hall meeting in Racine Wisconsin, Sen McCain responded that he was very proud of this advert since it brought out the distinctions in the candidates.

So how do you succeed against such an onslaught? Well Sen. Obama may have provided us with an answer: by consistently focusing on the issues and with humor and grace!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama-Sarkozy's Chummy Press Conference

Just finished watching Sen. Obama's press conference with Pres. Sarkozy and I have to say this was a bonafide lovefest. Sen. Obama showed his humor when remarking that Pres. Sarkozy had a nose for politics since he met only the two presumptive American candidates during his visit to the US in 2006. He went a step further by joking that he would like to know what Pres. Sarkozy eats given his boundless energy. Obama flashed his humor again when warning Pres. Sarkozy agains responding to a loaded question on whether he had endorsed the democratic nominee after his effusive praise.

Obama and Sarkozy frequently exchanged friendly glances and gestures to each other throughout the conference. Perhaps this is not surprising as one reporter pointed out during the Q and A. They both are sons of foreigners, and both are young lawyers. However one worries whether the chumminess is a good thing for Obama. After all, Americans are not known to love the French!

Rielle Hunter - Could this be the Moment for John Edwards

The "John Edwards-Rielle Hunter" sleazy story rares its ugly head again. It looks like the former Presidential candidate was caught with his pants down - yet again! You would think he would be more careful after the story broke first time around. Well the main stream media seems to be threatening to break the story again - it is not just the National Enquirer!