Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sarah Palin another "William Hung"?

I never quite understood the attraction of William Hung or even Sanjaya Malakar on American idol. They had absolutely no musical talent but American viewers kept voting for them. William Hung has sold millions of records.

Well, politics has its own version of William Hung - Sarah Palin. I can see why she attracts so much attention. She is beautiful, she can deliver a snarky remark with precision, she has some charisma. But in no way is she qualified to be president.

Reports are now coming out of how unqualified she is. There was the $150, 000 plus shopping sprees that led her to being called the "Wasilla Hillbilly". There was the Katie Couric interviews that led to her being lampooned on Saturday Night Live. Apparently she refused to be coached for it. Then there is the fact that she thought Africa was a country! There is even the story of her turning up wrapped in nothing but a towel before a senior staff.

Inspite of that, Rasmussen reports that two thirds of the GOP voters thought that Palin helped McCain's cause in this year's election and that 64% think she should be on the ticket in 2012!

When asked to choose among some of the GOP’s top names for their choice for the party’s 2012 presidential nominee, 64% say Palin. The next closest contenders are two former governors and unsuccessful challengers for the presidential nomination this year -- Mike Huckabee of Arkansas with 12% support and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts with 11%.

Three other sitting governors – Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Charlie Crist of Florida and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota – all pull low single-digit support.

In related news, 100% of the Democrats would support having her on the ticket ;)

Obama's Basketball Inner Circle

Great to see the next president is so grounded. CNN had great reporting from Don Lemon on how Obama played a game of basketball on the day of elections. I especially like the humorous touch on the jerseys "That one".

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama Fired Up and Ready to Go - Marvellous Speech May have won Virginia

Whoa! I have got to hand to Sen. Obama. Just when you thought he has given you his last good speech, he tops it with another. Tonight, I think Obama just won Virginia with his speech. He turned into a humorous story teller talking about how, early in February, on a cold damp day, he got to adopt the chant "Fired Up! Ready to Go!" for his campaign. I am sure a video will be popping up on YouTube. Very inspirational. Made a grown man cry - again! Very effective! Made more poignant by the death of his grandmother. Simply Amazing stuff!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

John McCain Flip Flops on "Fundamentals of Our Economy"

The McCain-Palin honeymoon is officially over courtesy of the Lehman Brothers. After consistently insisting that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong".....

he hours later flip-flopped and said the "fundamentals of our economy are at risk".

I give him a few days before he finally admits that "fundamentals of our economy are broken".

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Very Diverse Group at the Republican Convention

Could not help but notice how diverse the crowd is at the convention. Majority seem to be Caucasian and above sixty! Yikes!

AC/DC's - Thunderstruck at RNC ...Really?!!!

It was a sight to behold tonight as I flipped through C-Span. Old white ladies clad in glittering red white and blue dresses, dancing uncomfortably to AC/DC's Thunderstruck. One word....Eeeew! I see great YouTube potential on this one!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Video of Usain Bolt's 200m WR Performance in Beijing

Well NBC does it again. A media blackout as Usain Bolt breaks Michael Johnson's 12 year record. True to form, NBC is on an internet offensive as it deletes all traces of the video from sites like YouTube and DailyMotion.

This kid is amazing, breaking two world records in the same Olympics. I don't think this has happened before! Well at least according to NBC, it hasn't happened yet ;)

Here is the video:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

NBC frustrates American Viewers

Well, looks like I was not alone in my frustrations against the NBC. Judging by the crazy traffic this blog has been getting, track and field lovers were keen to view the 100m final. NBC failed miserably in satisfying its viewers. However, I am sure it satisfied its advertisers with the viewership that saw Phelps break Mark Spitz's record. Washington post has an interesting take on the NBC coverage.

Michael Phelps who? In what is probably the greatest moment in this Olympics, Usain Bolt of Jamaica won gold 100m dash in 9.69 seconds, a new world record...and he didn't even have to try after the first half of the race. But you wouldn't know it if you were here in U.S...well, if you were not online actively searching for a video clip of it.

Bottom-line is, unfortunately, those who care enough about NBC's handling of the today's fiasco may be in the minority. After all, who cares about a Jamaican prodigy who just became the fastest man alive!

Obama and Mccain Share the Same Stage at Saddleback

Well, Rev. Rick Warren did a masterful job today of handling both presumptive candidates today. My first thoughts on this was Obama came of us thoughtful and genuine in his answers. He was more conversational in his approach. As a result we got a better idea of his mental makeup. McCain on the other hand appeared to be in a campaign rally with his stump-speech like responses to the audience. It all seemed rehearsed on his part. He gave the answers you would expect a politician to give. But you could clearly tell that he had the audience in his corner as he rattled of several applause lines. Bottom line nothing changed for McCain, but Obama allowed America to get a better sense of who he is.

Video of Usain Bolt's World Record Breaking Performance!!!

I can understand NBC's need to maximize their revenue by showing a tape delay of the race during prime time. But common! Anyway thanks to the "internets", I found a copy of the exhilarating race!

Woeful Olympics Coverage by NBC as US Misses Usain Bolt's Incredible Feat

Just read that Usain Bolt has put in an incredible performance in the Olympic's marquee event, the 100M. And would you believe it, the NBC network failed to show it live!!! Am I the only one who is mad about this!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

John Edwards-Rielle Hunter Love Saga Continues to Unravel

Oh boy, this is beginning to get really embarrassing for the former presidential contender. There is now photographic proof!

It is all a matter of time before it explodes in the main stream media:

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Obama's Humor and Grace Blunts McCain's Attacks

John McCain, John Kerry and Al Gore encountered the same problem when facing a mediocre candidate for the presidency, a well oiled negative attack machine led by the evil political genius Karl Rove. The genius of Rove's strategy was avoid the issues since we will lose with Bush Jr us our candidate but focus on assassinating the character of the opponent. Sen McCain had fallen victim to Rove's whisper campaign that McCain had a black child (The McCains have an adopted daughter from Bangladesh.) Furthermore, Bush camp strove to delicately discredit McCain's Vietnam service, despite his well documented capture and torture by the enemy.

Next, Rove pulled the elitist card on both Gore and Kerry in the 2000 and 2004 elections. They also consistently used the fear card to portray "Dubya", and by extension the Republicans, as the only one who could fight terror following the September 11th attacks. And who can forget the Swiftboat attacks against Kerry, the word became part of the political lexicon of how to perfect a smear campaign. Once again, like McCain before him, Kerry soon found himself defending his well documented service in Vietnam. Rove had perfected the art of character assassination.

Ironically, McCain was so embittered by Rove's successful tactics that he is alleged to have hired dear old Karl for the upcoming elections. Sample Exhibit A.

Even after promising to run a respectful campaign, it is hard to see how this advert reflects on Sen. McCain's respect for his colleague. When confronted on this ad in a Town Hall meeting in Racine Wisconsin, Sen McCain responded that he was very proud of this advert since it brought out the distinctions in the candidates.

So how do you succeed against such an onslaught? Well Sen. Obama may have provided us with an answer: by consistently focusing on the issues and with humor and grace!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama-Sarkozy's Chummy Press Conference

Just finished watching Sen. Obama's press conference with Pres. Sarkozy and I have to say this was a bonafide lovefest. Sen. Obama showed his humor when remarking that Pres. Sarkozy had a nose for politics since he met only the two presumptive American candidates during his visit to the US in 2006. He went a step further by joking that he would like to know what Pres. Sarkozy eats given his boundless energy. Obama flashed his humor again when warning Pres. Sarkozy agains responding to a loaded question on whether he had endorsed the democratic nominee after his effusive praise.

Obama and Sarkozy frequently exchanged friendly glances and gestures to each other throughout the conference. Perhaps this is not surprising as one reporter pointed out during the Q and A. They both are sons of foreigners, and both are young lawyers. However one worries whether the chumminess is a good thing for Obama. After all, Americans are not known to love the French!

Rielle Hunter - Could this be the Moment for John Edwards

The "John Edwards-Rielle Hunter" sleazy story rares its ugly head again. It looks like the former Presidential candidate was caught with his pants down - yet again! You would think he would be more careful after the story broke first time around. Well the main stream media seems to be threatening to break the story again - it is not just the National Enquirer!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Should Obama Kiss Bubba's Ass?

Apparently, President Bill Clinton is taking his wife's primary loss a lot harder than previously thought. This would explain a lot. It had been alleged in media circles that the primary reason Hillary stuck in the primary race was at her husband's insistence. Looks like he wanted the nomination more than his wife! Bill has been miffed by the way Obama campaign framed him as a racist. They went one step further by tarnishing his legacy as part of the "old politics" that has divided our country. And who can forget Obama's priceless quote:

I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. I think they felt like with all the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s and government had grown and grown but there wasn’t much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating. I think people, he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.

So should Obama kiss Bill Clinton's ass as he suggests? Should he even go one step further and pick Hillary as his running mate? Going by the Bubba's bitter state of mind, Sen. Obama would be doing himself more harm than good having Hillary as his Veep. You get the sense that Bill would be doing everything within his power to sabotage an Obama presidency. But Obama has no choice but to at least give the appearance of reaching out to Bill without compromising his newfound status as the leader of the Democratic party. Obama, kissing Bill Clinton's ass - yeesh!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Well Said Olbermann

Great work by Keith Olbermann on today's special comment. For far too long, Sen. Clinton has been forgiven for her vicious below the belt attacks. Bringing the dark specter of assassination was simply a callous act intentional or not, on her part. Well said my man!

UPDATE: Here is the video:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can Obama Win Over Racists?

"There are too many Husseins in this country" remarked one West Virginia voter to an increduled journalist. This typifies the uphill task of winning over what the Main Stream Media has come to refer to as the "white blue collar voters with no college education" that Sen Clinton proudly proclaims as her base.

But this begs the question, is it worth it for Sen. Obama to try and re-introduce himself to these voter demographic. There is a hint of deep seated racism in a person who is willing to proclaim Obama as a Muslim while at the same time admonishing him for his associations with Rev. Wright. Can such a person be convinced to admire and respect a black presidential candidate. Will they instead choose to vote for President McCain? Or will they abstain from voting? Like it or not, Obama cannot win the election without them and the only way to win them of may involve signing up Hillary on the VP ticket!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

West Virginia Rejected Obama because he is Black

After a day of digesting the results from the West Virginia primary, one can easily see why Obama avoided campaigning in the Mountain state. It was not because of economic issues such as gas prices and mortgages. Not because of the Iraq issue. Not even because one candidate was deemed more qualified than the other. It came down to one simple thing : race. The political pundits tried their best to dance around the issue, but it was abundantly clear from two voters who were asked why they did not want to vote for Obama (both elderly white women). One said because she heard he was a Muslim, the reporter even pointed out to her that he has denied this, and she still stood her ground.

Another lady said she could not get over the name "Hussein". The startling thing about this is that if you would ask these voters if the Rev. Wright issue had affected their decision, they would more than likely say yes. So clearly, Muslim here is code for Black. Obama, has to face the reality that he will have to try and win over a group of racist voters come November.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

SNL's Rare Moment of Genius

I am not a great fan of Saturday Night Live. On a few occasions, I have managed to muster up a snicker or two on some of their skits. But tonight's was worth it to see them take a dig at Hillary Clinton. The premise of the joke is based around three reasons that Clinton gives for not getting out of the race:

1. She is a sore loser (Refusing to get out of the race despite all the mathematical metrics showing the race is over).
2. Her supporters are racists and would therefore not vote for a black man in a general election (See her USA Today interview here
3. She has no ethical standards (she has often accused Obama of being too nice for the General election)

The skit reminds me of the phrase "it is funny because it is true"!

UPDATE: Here is the video!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Atrocious Debate

Just gotten a chance to see what other's think of the debate, and it looks like I am not alone. The general consesus is this is one of the worst Presidential debates in recent memory, totally lacking in substance. I honestly don't think that a voter watching the candidates debate for the first time came a way with a substantiative understanding of their stand on issues. Instead we were treated to an embarassing analysis of non-issues. Truly a sad day for democracy!

Shame on you George Stephanopoulos!

I was willing to give George Stephanopoulos the benefit of the doubt when I heard he would moderate tonight's debate. Even though he was Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff.He has proved himself to be relatively fair during this campaign cycle. But tonight, he certainly did not do himself any favors by raising William Ayers. For some reason it all seemed to be a calculated ambush co-ordinated with his former boss. For almost 45 minutes he chose to hammer away at gaffes, pins and an innocous relationship with a 70's radical. In future all future moderators should be vetted for being former employees of the candidates.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Shame on You Hillary

On a weekend that Hillary attacked Obama for pointing out the truth, Hillary should be ashamed of carrying out such a dastardly campaign. I guess this is an issue of cost versus reward. That is, run the risk of continuing the narrative of "Hillary is part of the negative old-style Washington politics" versus hoping that the photo will plant a seed of doubt in any undecided who will be gullible enough to believe this.

How Much Lower can Hillary Clinton Sink? - Campaign Circulates Obama Photo

As a self-proclaimed political neophyte, I have always wondered why intense hatred is often directed at Hillary. Well today I see why. The Drudge report is reporting that Hillary Clinton is circulating a photo of Barack Obama dressed in Somali garb during his visit to Kenya about two years ago, an obvious attempt to link him to being a Muslim (a false rumor that has frequently circulated on the internet)

What is even more remarkable is that they do not deny it and are responding as if this is a classic "Gotcha!" moment. Sample this from Hillary's chief campaign strategist- Maggie Williams :

If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed.

Then why or why are then sending out a mailer if it is such an insignificant photo!!! This is clearly a mark of total desperation that I did not expect this from the vaunted Clinton machine. Frankly, this is bordering on childishness. First there was the Obama's kindergaten essay that supposedly highlighted Obama's presidential ambitions, now this. Looks like if Hillary is going to loose, she is going to take the Democratic party down with her as well as any dignity she has left.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Politics Imititates Sport - What do JohnMcCain and Roger Clemens have in Common

Following John Mccain's sex scandal, I am left to muse on the similarities that politics and sports(specifically baseball) have.

Roger Clemens recently had to fend off allegations that he used steroids to boost his performance. Brian McNamee, a long time friend, told the Mitchell Commission during their year-long investigation that he began injecting Clemens with steroids during the 1998 season and that he continued to provide these steroids through 2001. Mcnamee then astonishingly came up with hard evidence including syringes that he alleges he used on Clemens. Like Marion Jones before him, Clemens vehemently denied these allegations and even demanded to be heard in Congress. In the court of public opinion, it looks like Clemens has already been declared guilty.

We then have John Mccain, who like Bill Clinton before him has had to vehemently deny that he had romantic relations with that woman - Vicki Iseman. However, one wonders, like in Clemens case, if there is any truth to the New York Times report. Is there some fire behind this smoke screen? Expect Mccain like Clemens to deny, deny, deny. But it remains to be seen how the Conservative leading voices like Rush Limbaugh, the New York Times, and most importantly the public will react to this story.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How Lucky Can Obama Get - John Mccain Caught in a Scandal

How lucky can Obama get?!! MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has just announced some breaking news on an alleged love affair involving John McCain. Based on a New York Times report, John McCain's close advisors in his 2000 campaign run took measures to protect him from a female lobbyist - Vicki Iseman - who was thirty years his junior, and with whom they believed he had developed a romantic relationship. Shades of Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky. For more, go here

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers.

A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, in his offices and aboard a client’s corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist’s clients, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement.

Mr. McCain, 71, and the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship. But to his advisers, even the appearance of a close bond with a lobbyist whose clients often had business before the Senate committee Mr. McCain led threatened the story of redemption and rectitude that defined his political identity

So how is Obama lucky? Well, during his senate campaign run, Obama benefited from the misery of two male rivals who ended up in embarrassing scandals with their spouses; one a Democrat, the other a Republican. Blair Hull was a billionaire who had been the Democratic front runner and had widespread name recognition resulting from a well-financed advertisement effort. He contributed over $28 million of his personal wealth for the campaign. When allegations that Hull had abused his ex-wife were made by the media, Hull's poll numbers dropped and he failed to win the nomination. Obama as a result easily won the Democrat's primary.

Jack Ryan won the Republican primary, thus pairing him against Obama. However, after allegations from his ex-wife, actress Jeri Ryan of a sexual scandal, he withdrew his candidacy. The Republicans were then forced to ship in firebrand Alan Keyes who was easily beaten.

If Obama ends up winning the Democratic primary and then beats Sen. Mccain based on this scandal, he will have earned the Presidency thanks to the sexual impropriety of his 3 rivals. And that is not counting Bill Clinton!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Just Words

Here is the video clip. Expect the Black Eyed Peas to release another video entitled "Just Words"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Obama's Fire in the Belly - Obama Ups The Ante at the Democratic Party dinner in Milwaukee

Before Sen. Obama got into this race, skeptics doubted that he had enough fire to take him the distance. But as the campaign has gone along, Obama has matured into a fiery speaker. His speech at tonight's Democratic Party dinner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Obama lashed out at opponents who criticized his hope mongering: for giving false hopes. "I have a Dream - just words?!", "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country - just words?!". There was clear irritation and fire as he rattled off rhetorically. It was delightful to watch!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clintonistas Did It Again - Pulling Up the Race Card - Will Obama Bite?

The Clintons injected race into the campaign again in the face of Obama's mounting momementum. This time, they did it through one of their main supporters - Gov. Ed Rendell.

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Gov. Ed Rendell, one of Hillary Rodham Clinton's most visible supporters, said some white Pennsylvanians are likely to vote against her rival Barack Obama because he is black.

"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," Rendell told the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in remarks that appeared in Tuesday's paper.

To buttress his point, Rendell cited his 2006 re-election campaign, in which he defeated Republican challenger Lynn Swann, the former Pittsburgh Steelers star, by a margin of more than 60 percent to less than 40 percent.

"I believe, looking at the returns in my election, that had Lynn Swann been the identical candidate that he was — well-spoken, charismatic, good-looking — but white instead of black, instead of winning by 22 points, I would have won by 17 or so," he said. "And that (attitude) exists. But on the other hand, that is counterbalanced by Obama's ability to bring new voters into the electoral pool."

Rendell, chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 2000 and previously Philadelphia's mayor, endorsed Clinton on Jan. 23.

Pennsylvania holds its primary April 22.

Several figures in Clinton's campaign, including her husband, the former president, have been criticized in recent weeks for raising Obama's race. In response, Bill Clinton has said he will stick to promoting his wife, rather than defending her.

Later Tuesday, Rendell's spokesman said the governor did not mean to offend anyone.

"He was simply making an observation about the unfortunate nature of some parts of American society," said spokesman Chuck Ardo. "He wasn't being critical, he wasn't making accusations, but just being realistic."

Now, Clintonistas may claim that he is just being REAL. Nevertheless, I cannot help seeing this for what it is, another vain attempt at stopping an opponent, at all costs, including pulling up the race card. The question is, will Obama be drawn into another tit-for-tat mudslinging match similar to what happened prior to the South Carolina primary? Watch this space!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama's Humor - I’m skinny but I’m tough

Obama continues to confound me with his endless supply of humorous one-liners. Witness the latest one.

Hillary Clinton's Love Affair - With The Main Stream Media

I am simply fascinated by the love-hate relationship that Sen. Clinton and the MSM have had over this campaign season. The Clintons have a long rocky history with media stretching back to Bill's Monica Lewinsky scandal. As a result of the investigation's that followed, they both went us far as to lump the MSM together with the Republicans as a Right Wing conspiracy.

MSNBC's Dan Abrams will also be happy to point out how the MSM has been incredibly infatuated with Hillary's chief Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama. He will also point out their rush to - on several occasions- declare her White House campaign dead after every Obama success. Part of this is comes from Obama's extraoridinary background but the real reason, as Abrams would say - is the rough treatment the press corps have received from the Clintonista. David Shuster and Chris Matthews have recently attested to that.

But what makes me amused most is how carefully the media now treads in covering Obama's perceived momentum. They were burned once prior to the New Hampshire primary by gleefuly proclaiming that the race was now over. Now, they tentatively cover every Obama's success with a qualifier - dont' count out the Clintons, after all they are the powerful comeback kids!

Friday, February 8, 2008

David Shuster - You Had to go There Didn't You!

Oh Shuster, Shuster, Shuster - you had to go there. You had stir up the hornet's nest didn't you. Didn't you learn from your colleague's debacle! Surely Chris Matthews spoke to you about the hazards of being critical in any way of the Clintons. It is as good as kissing your career goodbye. Well, you only have to blame yourself for the suspension. Thank you though for extending my vocubalary - prejorative - very nice.

John Mccain - A Case for the War on Terror

As those in the political circles continue to recover from the after effects of Mitt Romney's withdrawal, one cannot help but ruminate on his main reason of giving up the race for the White House. This is what he said:

If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

Now this statement is outrageous on two fronts. First it is obvious to everyone that Romney withdrew for one reason, and one reason alone - he realized that there was no way he was going to beat Mccain! Furthermore, no serious business man would continue to throw away millions into an investment that is destined not to yield any returns. So Romney basically calculated that to save face, and position himself for a future run, now was the best time to withdraw.

Secondly, on the issue of aiding a surrender to terror - yeesh! Where do I start. This is exactly the same Bush-Rove rhetoric that has served to divide a country and isolate us from the rest of the world. Romney expects us to believe that if we stay in Iraq for a hundred years that that will be a victory! Please!

If that is going to be the Republicans main campaign issue, and if Mccain does win, I will hazard to say that we will have surrendered to ourselves, our own morbid fears! The same fears that have served to divide us and isolate us from the rest of the world. In the meantime as trillions of dollars are spent abroad, lives are lost, we make no headway in solving domestic issues like the economy - which Mccain will no doubt choose to conveniently avoid in the campaign.

Having said that, Mccains case for war is the strongest issue they can harp on to help them win against the Democrats. Hey it worked for Bush. Will wait and see if Americans are hoodwinked again this Fall into caving it to their fears instead of facing head on the issues that confront us domestically.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Say It Ain't So Romney! Say It Ain't So!

In somewhat of a surprise, Mitt Romney dropped out of the Republican Primary race, after it became abundantly clear he was not going to win. This came us a shock , though, to his supporters as well as the conservative wing of the party. Conservatives have only themselves to blame for coalescing late around their preferred candidate. This means that Mccain can now start to focus his campaign against the Democrats.

Who'da thunk it?! A few months ago, we expected the DNC would have chosen their candidate by now and the Republicans would see not clear candidate at this point. Shows how incredibly unpredictable this campaign season has been.

Why Does Obama Make Them Cry!!

A few days ago, I noted the strange movement that is taking place in the Obama campaign. Well, on Super Duper Tuesday, I saw something that really takes the cake! Fox news camera's at the Obama's speech caught a woman who was overcome by Obama's words. She literally hung on his every word and at one point, had to be comforted by her neighbor as she struggled to hold back tears. Take a look. She is the white blonde lady on the extreme right. Watch out for the moment he starts to speak about his community organizing days.

This is so eerie. It speaks to the insipirational quality of Obama, but at the same time, you wonder if his supporters are setting themselves for a massive disappointment if he actually does win the presidency! ABC's Jake Tapper has an interesting piece - And Obama Wept - that explores this phenomena in detail!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Whatever happened to the John Edwards -Rielle Hunter Story

I am not one to follow the latest gossip stories from the National Enquirer. But I could not help but be intrigued by a story that broke out late last year. It alleged that the former presidential candidate, John Edwards, had an affair with a former campaign consultant - Rielle Hunter. She is even rumored to be pregnant. What is even more intriguing, is the blackout that the main stream media gave to this story? How Edwards escaped the media scrutiny of such a scandal escapes me. One wonders why? Was it one of those rare occassions that the media chose not to tear down a media darling? Mondoreb explores the likely reasons why in this interesting post.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Obama Experience

I just got over watching an emotional California campaing rally, headlined by Oprah, Caroline Kennedy and Michelle Obama. There was even the suprise appreance of Stevie Wonder and Maria Shriver! What struck me was the emotional chord that this event brought out of the audience. Michelle suprisingly outshined Oprah in making a strong forceful case as to why Californians should consider voting for Obama. It was enough to bring a tears to a grown old man. Shriver's argument was the icing on the cake! My favorite quote was:

"The more I thought about it, I thought you know if Barack Obama was a state, he'd be California," Shriver said to fierce applause. "I mean, think about it - diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader. And the thing I like the best ... he's not about himself. He's about us."

Now will these passionate arguments make a difference for Obama? It may be a little too late to make a difference. But there is a trend that is beginning to take place nationwide as noted in this article:

Latest polls indicate that the more people get to know Obama, the more they tend to decide to vote for him. Indeed his dead even in some polls nationally. But make no mistake, Obama is a huge underdog to win substantially on Super Tuesday. The one thing he has against him is time and little name recognition compared to Hillary Clinton.

Even if Obama ends up losing, this has truly been a memorable Obama experience!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Clinton WIns Easily

If history is anything to go by, Clinton wins this debate easily. Obama has been weakest at the debates. This is Clinton's to lose. She will either lose it by her double speak or by her losing her temper. Obama has to be incredible to beat Clinton!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mitt Romney, Campaing Slogans , "Yes We Can"

I found it interesting that before the Iowa caucuses, Obama and to some extent John Edwards, stood alone on the change theme for their campaign message. When Sen. Obama and Gov. Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses, Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton jumped on to the change bandwagon. The difference was even more stark with Romney, who seems to tool his message according to polls or election results.

You can therefore understand why, in his Nevada primary concession speech, Obama reclaimed one of his old campaign slogans(which he used to run he successful Illinois senate race): "Yes we can". I can't wait for Romney to grab on to this one!

A President Like My Father

The New York Times just posted up the story

Here are some quotes that struck me:

Most of us would prefer to base our voting decision on policy differences. However, the candidates’ goals are similar. They have all laid out detailed plans on everything from strengthening our middle class to investing in early childhood education. So qualities of leadership, character and judgment play a larger role than usual. ......

I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.

Caroline Kennedy Endorses "A President Like My Father"

According to MSNBC, Caroline Kennedy, JFK's daughter is set to endorse Sen. Obama in an op-ed piece entitled, "A President Like My Father". Hmmm, with Obama's win in SC, and this endorsement, Super Tuesday suddenly got more interesting.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Are the Clintons and Obama Tearing Apart the Democratic Party?

Before the whole primary process began, Democrats boasted about the fact that they were spoilt for choice with 3 great leading candidates. Unfortunately they did not anticipate the animosity that would arise between the Clinton and Obama camps. Indeed many had said that a Clinton-Obama, Obama-Clinton(depending on who won the primary) ticket would prove unbeatable come November!

However the ongoing feud between the two makes me wonder if the Democratic candidate will even have a shot at the Republicans.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Gloves Are Off

How will the media hype the Obama - Clinton rift?!!

Obama finds Himself in Romney's Sit

The South Carolina democratic debate reminded me of the Republican's New Hampshire debate when all candidates ganged up on Romney. Today, it was Obama's turn, which was expected since he is leading in all of the latest South Carolina primary. In all fairness, not all the fellow candidates hate Obama as was in Romney's case. But there is no doubt that there is a great deal of animosity between Obama and Clinton. This could end up tearing apart the Democratic party which suits the Republicans just fine!

Obama Needed This

Well, it is clear there is no love lost between Clinton and Obama. But Hillary may have actually done him a favor. She toughened him up. If Obama wins the nomination, he will face the Republican attack machine fully aware of the kind of attacks he should expect. This was a political hazing per excellence. Edwards and Clinton sent a barrage of criticisms Obama's way, but he barely managed to hold his own. I would be curious to see how he performs past the South Carolina primary. But Clinton once again established herself as the seasoned, experienced candidate who can give as good as she gets when it comes to attacks!

Democratic Nomination is Going to Come Down to Personalities Rather Than Issues

This is what it is going to come down to, going by the intense dislike between Obama and Clinton, do you like Clinton or Obama. But where does this hate stem from. Clinton's hate for Obama could be due to the fact that she had presumed to win this nomination handily. Yet here comes this upstart with absolutely no political experience, a neophyte who is challenging her for the presidency. For Obama, it has been some of the dirty tricks employed by the Clinton team as well as the legitimate criticisms on Obama's stances. As Clinton pointed out, Obama has a tough time taking responsibility for his positions. There is an element of, how dare you criticize my position with Obama. Frankly this is what turns me off from debates: the animosity!

There goes the Clinton-Obama Ticket

Clinton and Obama really hate each other, I cannot see them running together come November!

I cannot wait for Chris Matthews on This

Who will Chris Matthews declare as winner? Clinton perharps?!

Could this be the end of Obama's Challenge

One get's the feeling that Clinton is well on her way to the nomination. It is hard to see Obama rebounding from his performance. Clinton looks experienced and withstands attacks effectively. Obama get's flustered when attack and at times stumbles through his responses.

Obama Being Taken Through a Hazing

This has been by far, the toughest debate for Obama, Clinton and Edwards have in effect double-teamed him! On almost every question, Obama has been forced to defend himself.

Democratic Party Will Need Some Healing

Going by this heated exchange, looks like the DNC is going to need some major healing! Am I the only one here who thinks Obama is being pushed into the corner; he looks ready to blow up. I think this is a debate viewers will say exposed more of Obama's weaknesses. So far he has gotten testy when Clinton or Edwards attacks him, and even at times impatient. I am yet to see his trademark humor come up!

Edwards, Clinton Double Team Obama

One gets the feeling that is a turning point in the Democratic primary. This is has been a real debate and Obama is under intense microscope from both Edwards and Obama

Friday, January 18, 2008

Obama's Maverick Job Interview

After his latest perfomance at Rancho High School, once again, Obama reminds us of why he is such a likable character. During his final closing arguments for Nevada, he managed to rip into his opponents while managing to make fun of himself at the same time:

"Because I'm an ordinary person, I thought that they meant, 'What's your biggest weakness?'" Obama said to laughter from a packed house at Rancho High School. "If I had gone last I would have known what the game was. And then I could have said, 'Well, ya know, I like to help old ladies across the street. Sometimes they don't want to be helped. It's terrible.'"

Now, the "What is your biggest weakness?" question you always expect going to any job interview. So I guess, the MSNBC guys thought, why not try it for the most important job in the world?! Now I am sure Obama debated on whether to approach it like any interviewee does, i.e. spinning your strength into a weakness. But Obama chose to gamble on connecting with the audience by being - gasp - truthful!

Ever since he started the campaign, you get the impression that Obama has the maverick streak in his blood. Who can forget his answer on whether he would meet any of the "axis of evil" leaders with no preconditions. But it is that honesty and likability that is bringing comparisons to the likes of Ronald Reagan and JFK. You also get the impression that, unlike some of his opponents, that if he loses the election, it will not be the end of the world. Truly a refreshing politician!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible

The internet is on fire with a newly leaked video of Tom Cruise rambling about his personal crusade to save the world:

Exhibit A in the harmful effects of a cult. Watching this video, you cannot help but feel that you are watching a delusional man. For a moment there, I thought Cruise was about to jump up on the couch as he extolled the greatness of Scientology. But this got me thinking about how cults get to prey on the insecurities of troubled adherents.

Tom Cruise is obviously a troubled man. By his own admission, he was abused by his father and suffered constant bullying during his youth that left him forever scarred. By and large, this is the general makeup of a cult follower. A victim of physical or mental abuse, who suffers from low self-esteem. Predictably, the victim looks for something that can explain away the injustices of the world and some affirmation that his life is worth something. Why do we have a world where an adult can prey upon a child with no mercy? Why do we have such a huge chasm between the rich and the poor: where the motto "survival of the fittest" reigns? Yes, with cynicism, poverty, war, disease and injustice controlling the world, you can understand why Cruise views it as his mission to save the world through Scientology. But I am afraid not even he, who is referred to as the most powerful man in Hollywood, can achieve this impossible task!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Who is Daniel Day-Lewis?

Last Friday, I got a chance to watch a movie that has received rave reviews. Going in, I had never heard of the lead actors. So I was a bit hesitant. Well, it did not dissapoint. Right from the opening scene, you are sucked into a compelling story of Daniel Plainview played by Daniel Day-Lewis. The sweeping shots are breath-taking, the soundtrack matches the tension, conflict and high drama note for note. The sets are exquisitely designed, you feel like you are in a time-traveling machine chronicling the life of the protagonist. But for me, Day-Lewis' performance was the most striking aspect of the film. His greed for power, his troubled relationship with his son, and his tango with Eli Sunday, ably portrayed by Paul Dano, all bring out a masterful performance. And his delivery made you hang on his every word.

As I said at the outset, I knew none of the actors going in. But as I mentally gushed over Day-Lewis' performance, I kept asking myself, who is this guy? He must have won some kind of an award in the past. I left the movie feeling that he deserved to win this year's Oscar for best actor.

Well sure enough, after referring to my trusty old Wikipedia, I found out that Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis is not only an acclaimed actor, but also won an Academy Award for best actor in 1989, for his performance as Christy Brown in Jim Sheridan's My Left Foot. Two decades later, he seems set to win another.

As for the movie, I will hazard to say that it is one of the best movies of our era. It has high drama, great photography, a compelling story and great humor to boot. It is one of those movies that people will use as a benchmark for years to come. Some have said it is the "Citizen Kane" of our time. However, I was disappointed by the ending. It felt rather abrupt. The antagonist gave up way too easily! But if Daniel Day-Lewis does not win the Oscar this year, well, there will be blood!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Humiliation of Chris Matthews, Las Vegas DNC Debate and Other Ramblings

I have been struck by Chris Matthew's humiliation after last week's New Hampshire elections who, as Hilllary Clinton herself put it, "is obssessed with me". Chris made a fatal mistake as journalist and political commentator, he took sides. Leading up to the elections, it was clear that Matthews had this unbridled hatred for Clinton. It came as no surprise that he rejoiced when a young upstart from Illinois called Barack Obama came on to the scene. He practically annointed Obama as a messiah not only of America, but of the world. He jumped on to the Obama bandwagon and started a relentless attack against the Clinton machine. On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, he was so giddy with excitement. He like all of the main stream media, were deceived by the polls into believing that Obama was headed for a comfortable victory. This culminated with his confrontation - correction - serenade with Hillary at a campaign event. Well as everyone knows, Hillary won the elections, to the amazement of Chris Matthews.

Which brings me to the post-debate roundtable from Las Vegas tonight on MSNBC. Chris was falling over himself trying to praise Hillary for her DOMINATING performance on the debate. Like a puppy with it's tail between its legs, Chris was scrambling to make up for his error in judgement. How do you restore your credibility as an INDEPENDENT UNBIASED journalist? Suck up to the very target of your previous attacks! We are now, as a result, blessed with an endlesss supply of priceless TV moments, as Chris squirms at any roundtable discussing Hillary and the New Hampshire primary. Ooooh Christooopher.....baaby!