Monday, February 25, 2008

How Much Lower can Hillary Clinton Sink? - Campaign Circulates Obama Photo

As a self-proclaimed political neophyte, I have always wondered why intense hatred is often directed at Hillary. Well today I see why. The Drudge report is reporting that Hillary Clinton is circulating a photo of Barack Obama dressed in Somali garb during his visit to Kenya about two years ago, an obvious attempt to link him to being a Muslim (a false rumor that has frequently circulated on the internet)

What is even more remarkable is that they do not deny it and are responding as if this is a classic "Gotcha!" moment. Sample this from Hillary's chief campaign strategist- Maggie Williams :

If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed.

Then why or why are then sending out a mailer if it is such an insignificant photo!!! This is clearly a mark of total desperation that I did not expect this from the vaunted Clinton machine. Frankly, this is bordering on childishness. First there was the Obama's kindergaten essay that supposedly highlighted Obama's presidential ambitions, now this. Looks like if Hillary is going to loose, she is going to take the Democratic party down with her as well as any dignity she has left.

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