Tuesday, September 16, 2008

John McCain Flip Flops on "Fundamentals of Our Economy"

The McCain-Palin honeymoon is officially over courtesy of the Lehman Brothers. After consistently insisting that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong".....

he hours later flip-flopped and said the "fundamentals of our economy are at risk".

I give him a few days before he finally admits that "fundamentals of our economy are broken".

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Very Diverse Group at the Republican Convention

Could not help but notice how diverse the crowd is at the convention. Majority seem to be Caucasian and above sixty! Yikes!

AC/DC's - Thunderstruck at RNC ...Really?!!!

It was a sight to behold tonight as I flipped through C-Span. Old white ladies clad in glittering red white and blue dresses, dancing uncomfortably to AC/DC's Thunderstruck. One word....Eeeew! I see great YouTube potential on this one!!