Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can Obama Win Over Racists?

"There are too many Husseins in this country" remarked one West Virginia voter to an increduled journalist. This typifies the uphill task of winning over what the Main Stream Media has come to refer to as the "white blue collar voters with no college education" that Sen Clinton proudly proclaims as her base.

But this begs the question, is it worth it for Sen. Obama to try and re-introduce himself to these voter demographic. There is a hint of deep seated racism in a person who is willing to proclaim Obama as a Muslim while at the same time admonishing him for his associations with Rev. Wright. Can such a person be convinced to admire and respect a black presidential candidate. Will they instead choose to vote for President McCain? Or will they abstain from voting? Like it or not, Obama cannot win the election without them and the only way to win them of may involve signing up Hillary on the VP ticket!

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